Earlier this month I wrote to the Chief Executive of Aberdeenshire Council to call for a rethink on plans to axe night watchmen from Macduff Harbour.
Thankfully, the decision has been given a reprieve and the possibility of what happens next will be discussed at the beginning of June by councillors.
The decision would have meant rather than have the two night watchmen there would be CCTV instead.
But I believe a move like that would be to undermine the progress which has been made for Macduff Port in recent years.
We cannot allow for investment which assists the future development of the port and then make a step which would be retrograde and detrimental both to the port and to the fishermen.
The issue has already raised concerns from the Scottish White Fish Association (SWFA) which represents more than 1,400 fishermen across Scotland.
It is important to outline why the watchmen are so important when noting some of the progress which has been made recently.
Due to legislation surrounding landings at Macduff, there has been a significant increase to the effect that January and February landings exceeded the landings of the entire previous year.
From all the information I have been given it is clear that removal of the watchmen would have a negative effect on the use of the harbour as boats no longer have the facility to speak out to the watch regarding the available draft or for assistance in tying up.
It would be particularly unhelpful if positive progress made in the last couple of years by the council in developing the harbour were to be undermined by the removal of the watch facility.
Another constituency issue which struck a chord with me in recent weeks was the decision by BT to remove 85 phone boxes from across Aberdeenshire.
It means across Scotland one in five phone boxes will be removed.
We have already seen services such as a number of banks being announced for closure and once again we find out further services are to be cut potentially in rural areas.
I will be working to find out which constituents will be hardest hit by this decision. Many people in rural areas, where phone signal can still be challenging use phone boxes when out and about.
To remove phone boxes in rural areas where they still provide a use, particularly to older people, will yet again make those living in rural areas feel more isolated.
It is imperative we work to make sure a range of services – whether it be the night watchmen at Macduff Port or services such as banking or access to public phone boxes – are protected across the North East.