


19 December 2007

Moving Towards a Healthier Scotland in 2008

Health is one of the most fundamental issues under any Government’s remit. Indeed it is so basic and universal that it is often taken for granted. However far from being complacent, the SNP Government has fully recognised its responsibility to the health of Scotland’s people and positively stepped up to the challenge of making Scotland a healthier, fairer nation.

The SNP’s core health objective on taking over Government was to improve Scotland’s health record as a whole and reduce the significant inequalities that still exist. Our policy is informed by the belief that good health and wellbeing is a universal right and should not depend on a person’s financial status or where they live. The SNP has always maintained that it was utterly unacceptable in the 21st Century that a developed, oil rich country like Scotland should be lagging behind its international counterparts in terms of life expectancy and health inequalities.

However, work is now well under way to shake off the ‘sick man of Europe’ tag which Scotland has been tarred with for far too long. The SNP has taken positive action on Scotland’s long standing health problems, taking a long-term approach to tackle the underlying problems. Chief amongst these are health inequalities and unhealthy lifestyle practices such as poor diet, smoking and alcohol abuse.

This is why in its first six months in Government the SNP has begun a phased abolition of prescription charges to make healthcare more equal, supporting many people in Banff & Buchan particularly those with long term conditions. This will go a long way to narrowing the social gap that still exists in health. Further to this we have raised the age of cigarette sales from 16 to 18, staged Scotland’s first alcohol awareness week and started a free school meals pilot to mention but a few measures. Indeed the recent SNP Budget allocated £85 million over three years to reduce damage done by alcohol and £3 million a year to reduce smoking.

In fact only last week the SNP announced extra funding of £11 million a year to help smokers quit. This includes £597,000 for Grampian Health Board to assist smokers in the North East who are trying to kick the habit. This is good news for Banff & Buchan where I know many people will benefit from support as they face the difficult challenge of giving up smoking.

Indeed the nature of a Government’s health policy is a strong indication of how that Government values and prioritises the welfare of the people it serves. And on this basis it is clear that the health of Scotland’s people is at the top of the SNP’s agenda.

Christmas Tidings
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in Banff & Buchan a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. I can certainly say that this year has been one of the most successful and exciting for myself and the SNP and indeed one of the most historic for the people of Scotland. The single most exhilarating event of 2007 for me personally however was being reelected to serve the people of Banff & Buchan for another four years. This has been a genuine honour for which I owe a huge gratitude to my constituents. I wish all of you the very best over this festive period and look forward to serving you to the best of my ability in 2008.

Stewart Stevenson
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