The Parliament’s business is at last beginning to move forward. But that brings mixed news.
Labour backbenchers were seen in a huddle – I know because I joined them for a bit of fun – poring over the “Partnership Document”. Why? Well they may have fought an election a few weeks ago on their manifesto. But now their program is something cobbled together in a few days and without their involvement.
I was treated to the sight and sound of joy when one of the group eventually said, “It’s here on page 38 – it mentions the environment”. The relief on the faces of the others was palpable because they had just come from a chamber when the SNP Environment Spokesperson, Bruce Crawford, had taunted the First Minister on the subject.
But that is what coalition government is about. Early uncertainty for all. So my task is to read their agreement. Perhaps next week.
With the First Minister’s statement on “his” program – actually the coalition program and the one which his backbenchers were reading with alarm – now over, it is time for the hard realities to kick in.
A statement focussing on youth crime which is announced the same day as very alarming violent crime statistics is generally thought to lack credibility.
And for the North-East, the revelation from my colleague, SNP Fisheries Spokesperson Richard Lochhead, that not a single penny of the promised £50 million support for fishing industries has yet been paid, left the First Minister without an answer.
Even worse, he had not known that his Labour colleague, the Westminster Fisheries Minister Elliot Morley, had given the game away when he spoke to an English fishermen’s conference in Derby. He suggested that none of the money promised by the Scottish Executive in January will ever be paid.
Worrying as this all is, it is nothing to what is hidden in the possible new European constitution.
Proposing a new way of working in Europe is not contentious. I don’t meet many people who think the EU is a model of efficiency and responsiveness to people’s needs. And with enlargement to a union of 25 states coming “real soon”, a new and less cumbersome way of working is needed urgently.
But at the heart of the new EU proposals is one to strike fear into all our hearts.
They suggest that fishing has to be a core issue controlled by the very people who have master-minded the white fish fiasco – among others.
I have argued previously that we must escape from this Common Fisheries Policy if our fisheries are to prosper. The introduction of the CFP into the new constitution simply makes it impossible for me to support it. And that is the position my party is also taking.
I see an early meeting with European colleagues looming.
New Boys and Girls
One new arrival at Parliament after the election has yet to put in an appearance. The new MSP for Dundee East, my SNP colleague Shona Robison, is what I can only describe as heavily pregnant. Fortunately one of the new Socialist arrivals is a midwife!
My previous experience as a nurse, a psychiatric nurse that is, in no way equips me to assist at an unexpected confinement. Although my recent attendance at the birth of a lamb at least reminded me of the mechanics of the matter.
But those more vocally present in the new Parliament are beginning to speak up. So far, thankfully, without too many signs of the “madness and mayhem” which one had promised.
A member’s debate on dental services in Grampian attracted 19 speakers. And the sponsor was a newly arrived Labour member.
We have known for some time of the difficulties people in our area experience in getting onto a Health Service dentist’s list. Further disturbing information emerged during the debate.
It appears that over 11,000 have been removed from NHS dentists lists this year already. And the closure of a dental practice in Banff has led NHS Grampian to offer NHS places in Aberdeen or Banchory – hardly on patients’ doorsteps.
But most disturbing of all was the information which showed that less than half of Grampian residents are currently on any dentists’ list, NHS or private.
Prior to the dental debate we turned once again to scallops.
Once again we found ourselves proposing the closure of fishing grounds due to algal bloom.
But interestingly it seems that as many as 10 million scallops may have been delivered from supposedly affected areas over the last four years. And not a single health issue has arisen.
The Rural Development Committee previously pursued this issue. If the new one doesn’t, I surely will as an individual.
Yet another EU regulation fulfilled. But yet another such regulation that seems only to cripple our interests.